Wednesday, 23 September 2015

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari Film Review

 The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
The film “The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920)” is known for the surreal, dream like settings. It’s seen throughout the film by the distorted houses, bazar shaped windows as well as sharp angles. This is said to be what makes this film one of the best of that era. It is also said to be one of the first few Horror films made. Which is known from its chilling story.
Cesare (Conrad Veidt) a twenty three year old man has slept since birth (a Somnambulist) first appeared in a fair show with his “Master” a mysterious man, of which says Cesare can answer any question. Two young men Francis (Frederich Feher) and Alan (Hans Heinz von Twardowski) attend the show. Alan confidently asks “when will I die?”, “at first dawn” is Cesare’s reply. After promptly leaving the show they meet Jane (Lil Dagover) falling madly in love. As said at first dawn Alan was murdered. Suspicion grew around Cesare. Other murders occurred throughout the nights until Jane is abducted. After Jane is saved and Cesare and his “Mater” are captured we find ourselves in an asylum in which Jane, Cesar and Francis are enclosed with the mad “Master” as the director. By then end it’s implied that Francis is the “Mad Man”, creating the whole story in his head. The twists and turns are what grips the viewer though out.
The cameras for the set of the film where placed in the same area which gives the impression that is more like a play, or show. As well as the film being silent the actors in the film are over reactant. By doing this the viewer has a clear understanding of what is happening.

1 comment:

  1. Hi !
    Well, done getting your first review out :)

    A couple of pointers for when you approach the next one -
    The brief askes you support your discussion with quotes from at least 3 different published sources, so you should be reading what other film critics have said, both online and in books. The quotes should be in italics, and need to be referenced using the Harvard method, details of which can be found here -

    Likewise, you need to have to include some images in the form of film stills, which are referenced in an illustrations list after the bibliography.

    Looking forward to seeing what you made of 'Metropolis' :)
